Adrenaline Dream
1993 / 2018
The two-part installation Adrenaline Dream is composed of a greenhouse etched with a camouflage pattern flanked by two pulsating latex lungs. Inside the greenhouse a crash-test dummy is ceremonially displayed on a metallic bed, as though lying in state. The dummy wears a rescue suit made of red sequined fabric—a nod to the “entertainment value” of catastrophe coverage in the media. Every other minute, the figure starts to tremble in a seizure-like motion. This human quake recalls the moment when a person drifting off to sleep stumbles upon a threshold in a dream and wakes up with a hypnagogic jerk.
"Adrenaline Dream," 1993 Aluminum, silk-screen print on glass, tiles, vibrator, latex walls, electric timers, fans, sequins, crash-test dummy, 6 x 3 x 5 m