Scenario/Scenery is a performative art installation in which the sculptural parts both act and serve as scenery. The work is inspired by the early theatre weather machines, which stood in the wings and were used to create sound effects of rain, wind and thunder.
In Scenario/Scenery, these machines have mutated and been fitted with modern solar panels, which means that the energy that powers them is generated by the machines themselves. The work is designed as a theatrical stage where wind, rain, lightning and thunder machines together perform an act controlled by the rig of halogen lamps suspended above.
Visitors to the exhibition in Eskilstuna konstmuseum are greeted with a darkened room. At the centre of the room, a faint light begins to grow, like a dawning day. The artificial sun gradually gives birth to a new day and the elements come to light. The movements of the work and the sounds they make create a simulation of a type of storm that comes and goes, fades and grows in strength. After a few minutes, the scene fades into darkness again and the movements and light cease.
Bigert & Bergström: Scenario/Scenery. Eskilstuna konstmuseum, 2020. Exhibition catalogue.
"Scenario/Scenery," 2020 Solar panels, aluminum, electric motors, wood, pearls, cloth, acrylic glass, cables, halogen spotlights, dimmers, Butler S2 DMX controller 300 x 380 x 330 cm
Photos: Jean-Baptiste Béranger


Photos: Studio Bigert & Bergström