Full Stop
Full Stop is a black polyester sphere supported by a system of wheels that allows the sculpture to move in any direction. On one side is a small door, which allows a single visitor to enter the sphere and shut him- or herself inside. The interior of the sphere is covered with soft black acoustic foam. The enclosed visitor can walk in any direction and the sphere will smoothly glide with the interior movement.
A “full stop” signifies the end of something: a sentence, an activity, a life. In this installation, the motion that a full stop usually terminates can be extended. Like a drunken state, Full Stop becomes a site where words and sense transform into fumbling and tumbling—a blackout or a black hole from which no information can escape.
"Full Stop," 2003 Polyester, acoustic foam, steel, wheels 250 x 280 x 250 cm

"Full Stop," inside, details